About the participation and application

Is it possible for foreign students enrolled in an academic exchange program to participate?

Yes. The contest it is open to any students enrolled in a Czech university at the bachelor, master or postgraduate study program. Exchange students may participate as long as they prove that in that academic year they are enrolled in a Czech university.

Could a group be formed with elements of different universities or courses?

Yes. The participation of multidisciplinary groups is not only accepted but encouraged, as it encourages projects that are more complete and that have a broader point of view.

Is participation possible for students who have finished in the previous academic year?

No. The participants must be enrolled in the present academic year in a university attending either bachelor, master or postgraduate study program.

Is it possible to apply in two different participating groups?

No, participants can only take part on one project per edition.

Could students from other courses not explicitly stated in the regulation participate?

Yes, as long as your participation is important for the production of the projects.

Is it possible to present projects that have been developed within a class?

Yes, it is possible to present curricular projects, as long as they are within the scope of the Contest.

What is the minimum and maximum of participants per group?

The minimum number of participants per group is 3 elements and the maximum number is 5 elements, excluding the professor.

What to do if student cards have not yet been issued until the application deadline?

Participants can send another document that proves their enrollment in the university, such as a certificate of enrollment.

Can you change the theme of the work after the application submission?

Yes, the theme of the project may be changed later, but you must inform the organization of the Contest through email.

What are the deadlines for applications and for the final submission of the projects?

For each edition, there are stipulated deadlines that can be consulted in the regulation available on the Contest website.

About the follow-up questionnaire and project delivery

Is the follow-up questionnaire mandatory?

Yes, the completion of the follow-up questionnaire is mandatory for all groups in the contest.

How will the follow-up questionnaire be made available?

The follow-up questionnaire will be available by email to all groups. The questionnaires must be completed and sent by email by the deadline indicated.

How will the project be delivered?

The delivery of the project must be done for the email of the contest and in physical support for the address present in the Regulation. Any questions about the procedure can be clarified by email or phone.

In what kind of files can the report be delivered?

The report must be delivered in non-editable format – PDF. The files can be sent by wetransfer (www.wetransfer.com). If the group wants to send images or other files that considers relevant and necessary, they can do so. If the group sends several files should, as a precaution, indicate which files are included in the report itself.

Is it possible to change the project after it has been submitted?

The project must be delivered until the deadline defined in the regulation, so, the work can be replaced until that same deadline. No changes will be accepted after the deadline. The last version sent will be considered as valid.

About the Awards ceremony

Should all members of the group be present at the Awards ceremony?

To be selected as finalist and winner, the group must be represented by at least one of its elements. It is not necessary to have all elements attending the ceremony.

Should all members of the group take part on the presentation of their project at the Awards ceremony?

Presentations to be held at the Awards ceremony do not require the participation of all members of the group. It is up to the group to decide who will present.

Is it possible to request additional items, besides those that the organization will make available and announce to the participants, for the presentations at the Awards ceremony?

No, the groups will not be allowed to use additional elements during presentations (changes in the brightness of the room or use of objects such as tables and chairs). All groups will have the same conditions.

What is dress code for the award ceremony (formal or informal)?

There is no dress code defined. However, it is advised to adopt a formal/business casual.

Other questions

How to obtain additional information to produce the project (e.g. statistical information)?

The research of information is the sole responsibility of groups. The analysis and framing are going to be assessed and should justify the conclusions reached by participants. However, if the organization has additional information that considers relevant, it will be make it available to all participants.

Is the amount of the prize for each element or is it divided by all?

The prize amount will be divided by the group members.

Vážené účastnice, vážení účastníci,

doufáme, že se Vám daří dobře. S politováním Vám oznamujeme, že jsme byli nuceni ukončit letošní ročník soutěže Angelini University Award! 2023/2024. Důvodem tohoto rozhodnutí je nedostatečný počet přihlášených projektů, což je v souladu s článkem 4 pravidel soutěže, který uvádí:

"Společnost Angelini si vyhrazuje právo neudělit cenu / ceny v případě, že se do soutěže přihlásí méně než 5 projektů nebo ve stanoveném termínu bude odevzdáno méně než 5 projektů."

Velmi si vážíme Vašeho zájmu o naši soutěž a děkujeme Vám za čas a úsilí, které jste věnovali přípravě přihlášek. Vaše odhodlání a inovativní přístupy jsou pro nás velkou inspirací a pevně věříme, že Vaše projekty mají obrovský potenciál přispět k dynamickému rozvoji péče o zdraví.

I když se letošní ročník neuskuteční, doufáme, že se nenecháte odradit a budete pokračovat v projektech, které mohou přispět k digitalizaci zdravotnictví. Vaše nadšení a kreativita jsou pro nás velmi cenné a těšíme se na spolupráci v budoucnu.

V případě jakýchkoli dotazů či potřeby dalších informací nás prosím neváhejte kontaktovat na e-mailu angeliniaward@angelini.cz.

Ještě jednou Vám děkujeme za Vaši účast.

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